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Space Is The Place

I am ashamed of myself. Blogging with the regularity that I do, and this is my first mention of Sun Ra.
This film is deep, you need to see it I tell thee. What more do you want than: Black power, free jazz, Sci-Fi, politics and incredible fashion? This film has it all, the only thing wrong with it in my opinion, is that it is too short (82 minutes)

The plot goes like this: Sun Ra has been reported lost, nobody has seen him since his last European tour in 1969. This is because he has been travelling through space with his crew, the Arkestra. They find a planet suitable for the resuscitation of the black race.He then travels back and forth through time, using music as his mode of transportation. (Genius) He comes to earth to find people who want to travel through space with him, to live on the planet he found.
This is our galaxy apparently
On one of his journeys back, he has a card game with the pimp overlord, to decide the fate of the black race. This overseer is Sun Ra's main enemy through the film.
The Overseer, incarnation of evil in the Black community who poses himself to be a community leader and a man of charity. But in fact, he is the tool of the power structure. Ra is also pursued by White government agents (presumably from FBI) who attempt to assassinate him. On the other hand, Jimmy Fey is representative of the Black people in entertainment industry and mass media.
Space is the place is full of metaphors and music, my idea of a brilliant film.
Go get it, quick.
even if this story is revisionist autobiography ... Sonny was pulling together several strains of his life. He was both prophesying his future and explaining his past with a single act of personal mythology.-- John F. Szwed, Space Is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra (Pantheon, 1997

1 comment:

  1. You should check out 'Surfer Nazi's Must Die' and 'Shark Attack 3'.. Two classics from my vault of shame.. I mean.. Vault of Choice.


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