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So, if money was no object, the clothes in this post would be how I would dress most of the time.
I am posting about clothes, because I have done NO shopping in such a long time, woe is me. Damn, I never even made a dent in the summer sale rails, very unlike me. I have my reasons though, and they are worth it. A girl can dream...I am saving up for this little bad boy
This dress is so lush, I would kick a granny if it meant I could own it.


  1. Ooooooooooh! I love all this stuff. I wish I could finance it for you.

  2. Is that you in the silver spartans? That dress is amazing, and I like the boot strap on the one boot.


Discombobulated correlation for all like minded braindancers

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Musings, reflections, observations, lovely clothes, food, books, art and the total assimilation parenthood creates.